macOS Monterey 에서 쓸만한 TFTP/FTP Server

MCINTOSH 2022. 10. 9. 16:02

mac에서 TFTP Server  편히 쓰기 위한 App

1.  tftpserver

 - 설정 필요없음

 - 파일 경로 지정 가능

 - TFTP only

 - 마지막 업데이트가 19년 v3.6.1


2. Trivial

 - 유료($15.99)

 - TFTP 동작에 문제가 좀 있음

 - 문제점 해결에 대한 가이드 없음


 - 파일 경로 설정불가(샌드박스)

 - 유료임에도 불구하고 개발사에 문의 사항를 넣어도 답변이 없음.


3. Transfer

 - 유료($19.99)

 - TFTP 동작에 문제가 있었음(해결)

 - 문제점 해결에 대한 가이드 있음 (


 - 파일 경로 설정가능


4. 번외  - AppStroe에서 쓸만한 간단한 FTP 서버 APP

    - QuickFTP

       FREE/유료 가격 변도 있음. 21포트 사용가능. 

    - uFTP Server 

       FREE, 21 포트사용불가.




Each protocol or service runs on a default listening port: UDP 69 (TFTP), TCP 80 (HTTP), TCP 21 (FTP), and TCP 22 (SFTP). If Transfer cannot start one of these services, it’s likely that a macOS’s built-in or a third-party server for that protocol is already running, which prevents Transfer from starting the service. To resolve this issue, stop or disable the server process that’s conflicting with Transfer.

Below you can find instructions to disable file transfer services that come with macOS and may conflict with Transfer. To disable a third-party server, please refer to the software’s user manual.

Once you have disabled the conflicting server, click the Retry button on Transfer to restart the service or relaunch Transfer. If the problem continues, a different server application may be using the protocol’s listening port, and you need to stop it so you can use the protocol with Transfer.


To stop and permanently disable the macOS’s TFTP server you will need admin privileges. Open Terminal and run the following two commands:

sudo launchctl stop
sudo launchctl unload -F /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/tftp.plist


To stop and permanently disable the macOS’s HTTP server you will need admin privileges. Open Terminal and run the following two commands:

sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.httpd.plist


Older versions of macOS provide a FTP server that’s enabled when you turn File Sharing on. To stop and permanently disable the macOS’s FTP server, you will need to disable file sharing using FTP. Go to System Preferences > Sharing and turn File Sharing off, or select File Sharing and click Options, then deselect “Share Files and Folders using FTP.”


To stop and permanently disable the macOS’s SFTP server, you will need to disable Remote Login, as SFTP is a subsystem of SSH, which is the service that macOS uses to allow you to log in to your Mac remotely. To disable Remote Login, open System Preferences > Sharing and turn Remote Login off.


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